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How to Use Direct Mail Marketing for Your Home-Based Business

Do you own a home-based business? While it may not have crossed your mind, direct mail marketing is a perfect way to reach new people from all walks of life. Direct mail marketing is alive and well, and many businesses are using it as a cost-effective method of spreading brand awareness and reaching new customers. Here are a few direct mail tips for getting started with mail marketing as a home-based business owner.

A man using direct mail marketing for his business

One of the most important direct mail tips is to keep in mind that direct mail marketing has a few different purposes. You can use direct mailing to reach out to new people, or you can use it to reach out to existing customers. If you’re focused on reaching new people, you may have to work harder to figure out how to get a good return on your investment. That is why you may want to focus first on using direct mail marketing to either reach out to previous or existing clients or to draw in new clients who have not purchased from you yet but are already in your marketing funnel.

One way to reach out to people who are part of your funnel is by sending a card with a special coupon on it. For example, if someone signed up to your email list online or became a free or paid subscriber to one of your online services, you can send them a discount coupon to encourage them to come over and become a paying customer. Of course, in order to do this, you will have to collect their home address at some point during the sign-up process.

If, however, they already purchased from you and you have their home address, you can follow up with a thank-you note. You can also send seasonal discounts and coupons in such a situation or use direct mail to notify them when you’re holding a special sale.

If you’re a locally based business, reaching out to local people in order to encourage them to support you is a great idea. Many people love the idea of supporting someone who lives in the area and who they either know or can get to know. This strategy will depend on what kind of service you offer. If it is very niche-based, it may not be a good idea to use it. If, however, it has a broad appeal, such as fun after-school activities for kids (examples: chess clubs, swimming lessons), you may want to send out flyers to people in your neighbourhood.

Another great idea is to use direct mail to invite people to an event that you’re holding. People feel appreciated when they get a personal card in the mail, especially if it’s signed by hand (or even with a personal note that was written by hand if you have the time).

Direct mailing solutions can also be used to get people to enter draws and raffles. You can ask people to refer a friend, like your Facebook page, or sign up to your email address and then send back the card to enter the raffle.

Another effort you can use direct mail marketing for is to promote your blog and social media profiles. This may not be the main purpose of your direct mail marketing campaigns but take advantage of the opportunity to do so.

Once you send out the mail, you will want to track your results. One potential stumbling block of direct mailing compared to online marketing is that it can be harder to track your results in the less-digital world. You can’t tell if someone read your mail or not. However, there are still ways to track your direct mailing success. For example, you can use a special discount code and see how often it’s used. If you’re asking people to sign up to your email list or to register for an event, you should also use a special URL so that you can track how many people came to you because they saw your card. Continue tracking your results in order to see how you’re keeping up with your goals.

Everyone’s goals will be different, but make sure that your goals are clearly defined before you set out so that you can track your success properly. You may want to make a test run of your campaign before you send out mail on a larger scale in order to evaluate whether the intended results and goals are possible. You can also do split tests with different kinds of cards and promotional messages during the course of your campaign to see which mail piece performs better.

In order to make a good impression, you have to get the right mailing company to work with you. Low-quality mailing cards and other direct mail products will reflect poorly on your home-based business. You want to send out high-quality cards with great graphics that are professional and convey a personal touch wherever possible. For more information on direct mail services, please call Troi Mailing Services in Toronto at 1-866-486-9350 or contact us here .

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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