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Using Print Mail Marketing to Drive Customer Loyalty and Retention

Nowadays, customers have unlimited shopping opportunities. Therefore, it has never been more important to retain the customers you already have. Customer loyalty and retention are key to your business’s success.

Using print mail marketing to drive customer loyalty and retention
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How to Use Direct Mail to Support Your Event

Although it may seem “old school” to send out mail in the digital world, it could be the missing piece that’s preventing your event from retaining the highest attendance possible.  To clarify, we aren’t saying go without digital intervention altogether.

How to use direct mail to support your event
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Planning a Direct Mail Campaign for the Winter Holidays

Planning for the holidays can often feel stressful; that’s why it’s so important to start early! The best time to begin planning your direct mail campaign is right now. You don’t want to miss out on any of the key features that could not only help achieve your goals, but also deliver great results.

Planning a direct mail campaign for the Winter holidays
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Leveraging Colour Psychology for Effective Direct Mail

Whether it was in your logo design, brand imagery, or most recent product launch, colour strategy likely came up at some point in the conversation. Deciding how you are going to represent your business is as much about the words you use as the imagery that consumers experience.

Leveraging colour psychology for effective direct mail
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Printing to Impress: The Staying Power of Print Media and Marketing

While some marketers try to argue that print is outdated—especially with younger generations—the long-term payoff of direct mail advertising still greatly outweighs digital. With a rise in nostalgia culture and an increasing desire to disconnect from online content, print media is experiencing a new life.

Staying power of print media and marketing
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