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5 Ways to Make Your Next Postcard Stand Out

Sending postcards to advertise your business in 2021 is an effective strategy to get more eyes on your product or service. This kind of advertising is known as direct mail marketing, and it has worked for centuries. The earliest recorded direct mail advertisement was back in 1000 B.C.! Today, the direct mail industry is worth 44.

How to make your next postcard stand out in 2021
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The Dos and Don’ts of Direct Mail Marketing

Direct mail campaigns are still quite effective methods of advertising and marketing. In this digital era, receiving a physical piece of mail is exciting and valuable in comparison to hundreds of emails.

The Dos and Don'ts of Direct Mail Marketing
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14 Unique and Creative Direct Mail Campaigns to Inspire You

Direct mail campaigns are the perfect opportunity to show off some creativity. Artwork, format, sizes, and shapes can vary greatly from one direct mailer to the next. Designers have the opportunity to flex their creativity and think outside of the box to create a direct mailer that stands out from the rest.

14 Unique and Creative Direct Mail Campaigns to Inspire You
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Flyer Advertising: How to Track Your Return on Investment (ROI)

If you’ve invested your time and money into a direct mail project, it’s no surprise that you want to see the fruits of your labour and quantify it however possible. That is where the concept of ‘Return on Investment’ — or ‘ROI’ — comes into play.  ROI is a measure of performance. It evaluates the efficiency of an investment.

Flyer advertising: How to track your return on investment (ROI)
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10 Most Effective Places to Distribute Flyers

Location is considered one of the most critical aspects of the real estate market, and it also plays a significant role in the world of advertising and marketing.  If you’ve got a new business starting up or a big event on the horizon, one of the most effective ways to spread the word is by putting up or distributing flyers in your local area.

10 most effective places to distribute flyers
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