Is a printing service provider really a necessity for your business? Sure, you could probably handle all of your printing needs on your own, but finding the right printing service provider can save you money, time, and many headaches in the long run.
Postcards are one of the most popular and most effective pieces of direct mail you can use in your advertising campaign. They are also one of the most cost-effective pieces of direct mail since sending a postcard can often be much cheaper than sending a letter in an envelope.
As a business owner, you are often looking to hire individuals who understand how to deliver quality work. We might live in a digital age, but commercial printing services are still thriving due to the popularity and importance of traditional marketing methods like direct mail.
Any solution that has been around for a while, like printing and direct mail, is bound to have a few rumours associated with it. Certain myths and rumours are eventually accepted as truths, which often spread much further than facts. Today, we are going to debunk a few postcard marketing myths that can hold your Smartmail Marketing efforts back.
Many business owners might believe that direct mail has gone the way of the dinosaurs, but they’d be far from the truth. When you think about how many spam emails you receive that go straight into your junk folder, you could argue that some digital marketing techniques just aren’t worth the effort. But that’s not the case either.
- Brochures
- Direct Mail Campaign
- Direct Mail Flyer
- Direct Mail Marketing
- Direct Mailing
- Direct Marketing
- Drone Delivery
- Email Marketing
- Flyer
- Fulfillment Services
- General Category
- Graphic Design Trends
- Industry & Culture
- Lettershop
- Magazine Marketing
- Mail Campaign
- Mailing Service
- Marketing
- Mortgage Companies
- Omnichannel Marketing
- Postcard Marketing
- Presentation Folder
- Print Campaign
- Restaurant Marketing
- Variable Imaging