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Everything You Need to Know About Magazine Printing

Printing your own magazine can be a great way to grab the attention of your customers, clients or even passersby. Think about it! When a magazine arrives in your mailbox, what do you do? You pick it up and look to see what it’s all about, right?

A Guide on Magazine Printing
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Special Shoutout From Marina Sirtis (AKA Star Trek’s Deanna Troi)

FUN FACT: Did you know Troi Mailing Services is actually named after Star Trek’s Deanna Troi? The name “Troi” is sometimes puzzling and often mistaken for “Troy” or “Trois,” but just as easily strikes a chord with Trekkies around the world.

Special Video Shoutout From Marina Sirtis
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5 Reasons to Use a Mail Fulfillment Service

Owning a business is a tough job. You have a lot on your plate. There’s probably so much piled onto your plate that things are starting to fall off the edges. Your business takes up a lot of resources and brainpower for it to run efficiently. The most significant two resources that go into it being: money and time.

5 Reasons to Use a Mail Fulfillment Service
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3 Do’s and Don’ts of Direct Mail Marketing

If you’re an entrepreneur from a younger generation, you might believe that sending ads through the mail is “old school.” But direct mail marketing remains one of the most tried and tested marketing communications strategies since the inception of advertising itself.

Do’s and Don'ts of Direct Mail Marketing
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How to Choose the Best Lettershop for Your Business

Choosing the best lettershop to carry out your direct marketing campaigns is almost as important as creating the campaign itself. Making the wrong choice could lead to time and money wasted.

Tips to choose the best lettershop for business
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