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Debunking the Most Common Postcard Marketing Myths

Any solution that has been around for a while, like printing and direct mail, is bound to have a few rumours associated with it. Certain myths and rumours are eventually accepted as truths, which often spread much further than facts. Today, we are going to debunk a few postcard marketing myths that can hold your Smartmail Marketing efforts back.

Debunking the Most Common Postcard Marketing Myths
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A Complete Guide to Direct Mail Marketing In the Digital Age

Many business owners might believe that direct mail has gone the way of the dinosaurs, but they’d be far from the truth. When you think about how many spam emails you receive that go straight into your junk folder, you could argue that some digital marketing techniques just aren’t worth the effort. But that’s not the case either.

A Complete Guide to Direct Mail Marketing In the Digital Age
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5 Recent Direct Mail Marketing Trends to Make the Most of

While 2020 has certainly thrown us several curveballs, it has also provided us with new opportunities to engage with our customers, prospects and employees. Hopefully, 2021 will bring with it some stable foundations on which we can build while we get used to our “new normal.

5 recent direct mail marketing trends to make the most of
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4 Best Practices for Marketing Your Business With Postcards

Direct mail remains one of the best ways businesses in Toronto can reach their audiences. This is because direct mail is one of the oldest, tried and true marketing strategies out there. After all, everyone likes getting mail that’s personalized, gives value and is aesthetically pleasing!

4 best practices for marketing your business with postcards
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Why Your Business Needs Bulk Mail Services

Bulk mail service providers are a crucial solution for your business, especially if you want to see improvements in your marketing efforts. Without it, you could be missing out on important prospects who prefer receiving direct mail communications. Using bulk mail services helps you save time and money and also grows your customer base.

The Need For Bulk Mailing Services in Business
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