If you’ve ever been part of the production for a catalogue, you understand how much work actually goes into designing, writing, printing, and distributing them to your clients. Your catalogue campaign needs to follow the same steps you would take with developing a great direct mail campaign.

Marketers are faced with a unique challenge in 2021. That is, how to create direct mailing campaigns that can address the specific needs of multiple generations. What separates the generations from one another, and should you focus on only one or a couple generations? What types of mail can attract and engage each of these generations?

There are many different factors and characteristics that go into direct mail, but did you know that you can also customize your mailer’s folding style? There’s a wide range of print folding techniques to choose from that allow you to create a different and unique experience every time you mail something new to your clients.

This year has brought along many challenges that we could not have prepared for. Events such as weddings, conferences and festivals have been postponed with officials unable to give a date on when these events could resume. As 2021 goes on, many of us are wondering what events will look like now.

Many people mistakenly think that print marketing is a thing of the past, but this is simply not the case. Any successful business owner understands that print and digital marketing go hand in hand. Each kind of marketing will feature its own set of strengths and weaknesses, but when combined they can give you positive results.

- Brochures
- Direct Mail Campaign
- Direct Mail Flyer
- Direct Mail Marketing
- Direct Mailing
- Direct Marketing
- Drone Delivery
- Email Marketing
- Flyer
- Fulfillment Services
- General Category
- Graphic Design Trends
- Industry & Culture
- Lettershop
- Magazine Marketing
- Mail Campaign
- Mailing Service
- Marketing
- Mortgage Companies
- Omnichannel Marketing
- Postcard Marketing
- Presentation Folder
- Print Campaign
- Restaurant Marketing
- Variable Imaging