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6 Tips for Determining Your Target Market for Direct Mail

Identifying your target market is the first step in any successful direct mail marketing campaign. In fact, target marketing will give you the power to direct your marketing budget in ways that benefit you the most. It also allows you to send out brand messages to a well-defined audience that is more likely to respond to you than any other group.

Tips for Determining Your Target Market
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What Type of Paper Is Used for Flyer Printing?

So you’ve worked hard on a great design for your flyer, but did you know that the type of paper you use for printing is just as important? Printing flyers might sound like a straightforward process, but it can be difficult to make the right choice when it comes to the type, size, and finish for your perfect flyer.

Type of Paper Used for Flyer Printing
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How Using Printing Services Helps Your Business Save Money

Is a printing service provider really a necessity for your business? Sure, you could probably handle all of your printing needs on your own, but finding the right printing service provider can save you money, time, and many headaches in the long run.

Save Money by Using Printing Services
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Your Guide to Postcard Copywriting

Postcards are one of the most popular and most effective pieces of direct mail you can use in your advertising campaign. They are also one of the most cost-effective pieces of direct mail since sending a postcard can often be much cheaper than sending a letter in an envelope.

Copywriting for Postcards: A Step-by-Step Guide
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6 Types of Professional Printing and How They Can Help Your Business

As a business owner, you are often looking to hire individuals who understand how to deliver quality work. We might live in a digital age, but commercial printing services are still thriving due to the popularity and importance of traditional marketing methods like direct mail.

How Can Professional Printing Benefit Your Business?
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