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6 Strategies to Grow Your Magazine

Growing a magazine takes strategy, including planning your direct mail printing service. Printing a magazine simply for the sake of having a magazine is a waste of your time and resources. For a magazine to be successful, consumers must get something out of your publication.

6 strategies to grow your magazine
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How to Design an Effective Product Catalogue for Summer 2022

Did you know that about 81% of consumers research new products before buying? Print catalogues provide your customers with the opportunity to see and read about products they’re interested in before committing. With direct mail services in the GTA, you can design and mail catalogues to put your brand on the local map.

How to design an effective product catalogue for summer 2022
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New & Unique Strategies to Engage Consumers in 2022

Customer engagement is essential for all businesses, and direct mail printing can increase results. A customer engagement strategy helps you plan your engagement efforts, measure results, and revamp where needed. This year, consider evolving trends and new mailing products to draw in customers and encourage feedback as you develop your strategy.

Strategies to engage consumers in 2022
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New Study Shows Effectiveness of Consumer Engagement With Direct Mail

The digital age has made it easier for business owners to overlook the power of direct mail services. A recent study by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company has found that companies have largely underused tangible traditional marketing methods over the past few years.

Effectiveness of consumer engagement with direct mail
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Direct Mail Marketing Trends for 2022

Direct mail marketing has had an upsurge recently, as businesses realize it has a larger return on investment than digital mail campaigns. On average, direct mail campaigns are at least 9% more effective than email campaigns. This is a huge margin, providing a wider range of new consumers to visit webpages and engage in new products or services.

Direct mail marketing trends for 2022
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