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The Importance of Font: 6 Tips for Designing Direct Mail Postcards

Typography is an incredibly important part of creating an effective direct mail marketing campaign design. Whether your company is designing a customized letter, brochure, postcard, catalog, or magazine, you’ll want to take into consideration the fonts you use.

The importance of font: 6 tips for designing direct mail postcards
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8 Ways Direct Mail Advertising Can Help Your Bottom Line

Direct mail is a highly effective advertising tool that has proven to be one of the most profitable, cost-effective marketing channels available. Troi Mailing Services is privileged to help many companies, big and small, with all of their direct mailing needs.

8 ways direct mail advertising can help your bottom line
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6 Tips for Personalizing Print Mail Campaigns

Despite the growth and popularity of digital and online marketing practices, print marketing, especially personalized direct mail, is still an incredibly effective way of reaching potential customers.  However, personalizing your business’ direct mail communications means more than just including your customer’s name in the mail address.

Tips for personalizing print mail campaigns
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How to Use Direct Mail at Each Stage of the Customer Journey

Especially in this digital age, many companies utilize direct mail as a key part of their marketing strategy. According to the Association of National Advertisers, the consumer response rate from direct mail is nine times greater than that of email, thus solidifying direct mail’s significance in a company’s marketing mix.

How to use direct mail at each stage of the customer journey
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6 Ways Email Marketing Can Boost Your Customer Retention

Email marketing and direct mailing services in Toronto go hand in hand. Adding one to your marketing campaign is beneficial; adding both is a game-changer. At Troi Mailing Services, we help Canadian businesses optimize their direct mail marketing game.

Ways email marketing can boost your customer retention
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