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Latest Trends in Postcard Printing Services

Over the past several years, printers have noticed a change in the mix of direct mail produced with an increase in postcards and letters, and a decline in coupons and brochures. Postcard printing services agree that there is increased interest in colour and inkjet printing, as well as full personalization with text and graphics.

Cute girl and mother reading trendy printed postcard

Postcards are a traditional marketing tactic that has remained relevant in this digital age. Surveys suggest that consumers are more likely to respond to postcards than digital marketing campaigns. Moreover, postcards are a cost-effective marketing channel that can have great conversion rates.

But to meet changing consumer needs, and to make their brands more competitive, marketers need to be creative in making postcards more attractive. From varying the postcard size and shape to adding texture and visual appeal with special coatings and printing techniques, there are numerous ways to print postcards to suit your marketing need.

Here are some of the latest trends in postcard printing service:

Larger, Heavier Postcards

Although printing larger postcards, like 6 x 11 inches, is more expensive than the more common 4 x 6-inch postcards, modern printing technologies have made it more cost-effective to print large quantities regardless of the size. 6 x 11 is also still considered standard size for Canada Post Neighbourhood Mail (formerly known as Unaddressed Admail).

Varying the size of the paper is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make your postcard stand out and leave a lasting impression. From using larger papers to sandwiching two sheets together to using ultra-heavy stock. There are different ways to achieve this, including the use of particle board with letterpress, silk screening, or embossing printing; or sandwiching two sheets of 16pt, with the content printed on one side of the sheet.

The postage paid for small and large postcards is not astronomically different, and reports show that bigger postcards elicit more responses than smaller ones, probably because recipients find them more intriguing and are likely to view them. The idea is to get the recipient intrigued enough to investigate the difference.

Bold and Bright Colours

There are different ways to intrigue postcard recipients and stand out from the competition, including using bold colours and captivating graphics. Indeed, today’s customers expect to see colourful print media and will be more receptive to your offer if your postcard features exciting designs with full-colour printing and a good mix of bold and bright colours.

Keep in mind that colours can influence the recipient’s mood. Using bright and bold colours compared to pastels is an indicator of modern intense lifestyles and mental processes. To reach diverse cultures, consider using rosy tones. Gold gives the impression of sophistication; pink for discretion; yellow for playfulness; and blues and oranges for resourcefulness.

For superior colour fidelity and high-quality printing, marketers are turning to lithography printing services. This option is not only cost effective for printing large quantities of colourful postcards but also allows you to use materials of different textures and finishes, as well as custom inks including Pantone colours to make your postcards truly stand out.

Unique Textures

Research shows that haptic — touch — memory has the greatest impact on the human brain’s recollection power. By tapping into the recipient’s memory, textured postcards can create long-lasting brand awareness. Generally, print media that both looks attractive and feels amazing to the touch encourages the recipient to hold onto it a bit longer, encouraging brand awareness and loyalty.

You can create texture by choosing different printing methods, such as engraving, embossing, raised ink, and debossing, as well as creating intricate folds.

Glossy or Matte Finishes

Most postcards feature a glossy UV coating to help enhance the colours and message to stand out. For a more sophisticated look, printers often use a matte finish, which is a dull coating that produces minimal glare.

This tactic works best when used to highlight specific spots on the postcard, so as to add depth to the graphics and make them feel rubbery, sticky, or bumpy. Varnishing the entire piece is unlikely to create a unique texture. Make sure that you leave sections for fingers to notice the difference in finish. Spot varnishing will make your graphics look extra vibrant, with intense image clarity resembling 3D.

Foil Stamping

People are naturally attracted to shiny things. Foil stamping is a stylish way to make your postcards attention-grabbing. It is a rarely used printing method where the paper is wrapped in a thin film of foil, giving it a dazzling metallic effect.

There are different variations of foil stamping. You can wrap it in dull gloss, keep it clear, fluorescent, translucent, or create a holographic look. This method is best used over simple designs featuring thicker lines for a reflective effect. Besides making your print media attractive, foil stamping also makes the piece durable, which means that your brand and message will remain visible for much longer.

Coupons and Special Offers

While postcards typically feature an attractive image, modern designs allow for many other ways of using postcards. They not only inform the recipient of an invitation with contact details, sales announcements, or appointment reminder but also feature a strong call-to-action with offers or coupons to motivate recipients to take the next step in the consumer journey.

A call-to-action that encourages the recipient to be proactive has several benefits. First, the potential consumer is encouraged to visit the store or website. Second, if they’re interested in the product or service, your business gets a targeted lead with sales potential during your next campaign. Third, you have the opportunity to track and measure your campaign’s response rate.

In addition, multi-purpose postcards provide a great way to not only save money but also save the environment without going completely paperless.

Choosing a Custom Postcard Printer

With a wide range of postcard printing options, marketers can create exactly what they need for their postcard mailing campaign to appeal to their target audience. But it is important that you maintain the basics of print marketing: simplicity, storytelling, personalization, and tact. Consider combining multiple elements such as embossed images, contemporary colours, and matte textures to help reinforce your marketing campaigns.

For more information about postcard printing for your business, call Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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