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Is Flyer Distribution Still Effective?

When it comes to marketing strategies, there’s no doubt that emails and social media platforms have made a recent impact. But despite heavy reliance on digital campaigns, there’s something about traditional paper-based marketing that still resonates with the public.

Is Flyer Distribution Still Effective?

With all of the marketing options available today, it may be difficult to decide which method is right for you. For many businesses, flyers are still an effective way to promote products and services. If you’re unsure whether flyer distribution is a viable option, here are some of the benefits of taking this route.

Personal Touch

Some businesses may have cut back on their use of flyers over the years but this is exactly where the advantage lies. Because consumers have become so accustomed to digital communications, receiving tangible material can be a welcome surprise. There’s something natural about holding a piece of mail in your hands.

It can be difficult for potential customers to feel a connection with your brand when opening marketing emails, entering promo codes, or ‘clipping’ online coupons. Direct mail flyers, on the other hand, tend to feel more personal — especially if they’re well-designed. Consider hiring a professional to design your flyer campaign, making good use of high-quality graphics and well-written content.

Low Delivery Costs

Direct mail advertising continues to be one of the cheapest ways to get your message out to a large swath of people in one shot. Flyer distribution can be executed at a relatively low cost, thanks to the efficiency of bulk mailing. By sending out your direct mail marketing materials en masse, you’ll be able to increase visibility and generate leads.

For all direct mail campaigns, be sure to identify which region and household demographic you wish to target. Flyer mail-outs are usually priced by the thousands and costs will typically decrease as your quantity numbers get higher.

Opportunity for Creativity

When it comes to creating the actual flyer, the design can be as simple or elaborate as your business objectives. Flyers were traditionally printed on simple, tri-folded paper. Modern-day flyers, however, can be printed on high grade paper stocks like silk cover and they don’t have to follow the standard rectangular dimensions either.

For attention-grabbing direct mail marketing materials, consider a design that involves interesting shapes and textures. And don’t forget to make good use of colour and graphics that pair well with your overall message.

Meanwhile, never attempt to print your flyers using an office printer. Print files need to be reviewed by a qualified pre-press, and printed on high-end paper using premium ink. Employ a bulk printing company to reduce your overall unit costs, and to ensure professional-looking flyers that impress each time.

Wider Demographic Reach

Although many businesses seem intent these days to impress Millennials or Generation Z, it’s important to remember the older generations have immense spending power too. Flyers are effective because they allow for wider demographic reach. Older generations may not be as active on social media or as comfortable using the internet as their younger counterparts. Millennials or Generation Z are also oversaturated with digital media, so direct mail advertising creates a uniquely physical impression.

By sending information using traditional mailing methods, you’ll be able to resonate with people across the demographic spectrum. This is especially true if you follow up your flyer campaign with a digital component. Many older individuals will certainly take you up on a good offer if you provide them with the means to connect easily with your brand.

A Chance to Include Value

A flyer can be a simple sheet of paper announcing your promotion and contact info but why not make your campaign more worthwhile for recipients? When distributing your flyers, consider including something of value. Whether it’s discount coupons, magnets, mini-calendars or product samples, people love getting free stuff. Many recipients will know you’re handing out freebies to entice further shopping but they’ll still feel lucky to find a little treat in the mail.

Timeless Marketing

One of the biggest reasons why flyers still appeal to many customers is because it reminds them of the ‘good old days’. Let’s face it, many people get dozens of emails each day — sometimes hundreds a week. Over time, this creates email fatigue. Not to mention the constant barrage of banner ads when people are reading their favourite blogs, watching a funny clip on YouTube or browsing social media.

Traditional direct mailing has the ability to disrupt this never-ending digital stream. There’s a strange curiosity that comes with opening a flyer. Unlike promotional emails, recipients are not in a hurry to trash it. This natural curiosity automatically increases the chances of your flyer being read and realized. If your flyers are well-designed, you can bet people will take notice.

For more information on creating and printing a flyer mailing campaign, please call Troi Mailing Services in the GTA at 1-866-486-0423 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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