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How to Integrate Postcards Into Your Advertising

Postcard marketing tips
Postcards can serve several great purposes. They make excellent souvenirs, which can be collected from all the different cities and countries you visit, or used as a way to greet friends while you travel. Direct mail postcards can be used as invitations or thank you cards for a number of occasions, including weddings, anniversaries, or birthdays. So what is it about a postcard that makes it so versatile and effective? For starters, postcards usually have a bright and attractive image across one or both sides. The image is intended to be vibrant and eye-catching so that it can spark the reader’s interest immediately. For this reason, and many others, printing postcards is an excellent tool for advertising. As consumers, we often receive a multitude of advertisements in our mail and, unfortunately, many of them have the ill fate of being thrown into the trash. As you sort through your mail, think about the types of advertisements you tend to put aside to look at later. Usually, the dull and irrelevant advertisements are discarded immediately, while the colourful and eye-catching postcards can grab your attention. Direct mail printing postcards is an excellent way to advertise your services or products to your target consumers. Without the need to open an envelope or package, a postcard poses no barriers between the offer and the consumer. This means it’s far more likely that a postcard will be read compared to other types of advertising methods. A successful advertisement can grab the reader’s attention and convince them to take action. If you’re getting geared up to create your postcard advertisement, Troi Mailing Services is here to help you create a successful postcard advertising campaign.

1. A little research goes a long way

Sending out your postcard promotions to as many people as you can possibly reach may seem like the best way to spread your message. However, unless you have unlimited resources to pay for this large postcard campaign, sending your advertisement without researching and targeting the correct consumer group may be flushing money down the drain. The best ways to research your target consumer group are to use data collected from your website and other social media sites. This will help determine the demographic that is most inclined to your services or products and send your postcard advertisements to them. Understanding your target demographic helps you narrow down your mailing list, but it can help you tailor the design of your postcard for your specific audience.

2. Create a catchy and attractive design

When it comes to design, there’s no end to the number of colours, fonts, and images you can choose. To help you sort through the multitude of options, use your demographic data to help guide your design. Tailor your colour scheme and font type to help spark the attention of your target demographic. The goal of your design is to catch your reader’s attention, whether using bright colours, an eye-catching image, or an impressive logo. You want to create a postcard that makes your potential customers stop and read through your direct mail advertisement.

3. Two sides are better than one

Postcards are not meant to be elaborate and lengthy. They don’t involve pages or fold like a booklet. Plus, they don’t have to be enclosed inside of an envelope. Your postcard advertisement and all of its contents are visible at first glance — so, to ensure this is more effective, you should utilize the space on both sides of the postcard. Make sure you include a call-to-action on both sides of your postcard, too. Alternatively, you could choose to turn one side of your postcard mailer into a coupon for your potential customers. This way, your postcard will be equally as effective, irrespective of which side is seen first by your recipients. A direct mail coupon or promotional offer printed on one side of your postcard increases the likelihood of your recipients holding onto your postcard, rather than discarding it right away.

4. Bridge the gap between the digital and print world

While your postcard is still an effective tool for advertising, there is no denying that print advertising campaigns are only half the story. In order for you to gain the full potential of your advertising campaign, you have to find a way to bridge the gap between your printed postcard and the digital world. The best way to do this is to include references to all of your social media sites and websites or encourage your recipients to use your hashtag on their social media sites. Offering discounts or promotions for recipients who promote your brand on social media sites can be a great way to raise awareness of your brand. If you can create a cohesive relationship between your printed postcard mailing campaign and the digital marketing world, you’ll have yourself an impactful campaign.

5. Your customers need consistency

The final goal of your postcard advertising campaign is to increase your customer base, and your postcard marketing campaign is just one part of this journey. If your recipients are new, your postcard advertisement may be the first contact they have with your brand and could trigger them to explore your website or social media platforms for more information. Hopefully, this journey ends with one or more purchases from your company or business. Throughout this process, you should aim to provide your potential customers with a consistent experience. Your postcard direct mail marketing should be designed to elicit the same emotional response as your website, business cards, and the entirety of your store or office space. This way, your customers won’t be confused or experience a rollercoaster of emotions as they explore what you have to offer. Direct mailing services have passed the test of time and remain very effective advertising tools, even as we propel forward in the digital era. Postcards are simple and catchy forms of direct advertising which immediately convey your brand information to your recipients with ease. Printed postcards offer a lot of flexibility regarding their size, design, and options to include promotions or coupons. Design your postcard mailer with your target demographic in mind and in line with the emotional experience you want to create for your potential customers. If you do this, your postcard advertising campaign can be a very successful endeavour for your brand — not to mention a worthwhile financial investment for you. The final step of your postcard marketing process is to print your postcard, and at Troi Mailing Services, we can help you do just that. We specialize in all types of direct mail printing campaigns and can help you plan, print, and mail your postcards to best suit your business needs. Troi Mailing Services can help you personalize your postcards to include your recipient’s name, address, and unique offer/copy, or send Neighbourhood Mail (formerly known as unaddressed admail) to target neighbourhoods, with the help of postal data tools or your personalized mailing lists. To learn more about how to integrate direct mail postcards into your print marketing, please call Troi Mailing Services in Canada at 1-866-486-9350 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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