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How Flyers Help Promote Your Products

While flyers, together with brochures and postcards, may seem old-fashioned, they can be beneficial depending on the type of business you have. Flyers are particularly great for promoting products, services, and special events, such as a music concert, a sale, or a store opening, cost effectively.

Tips For Your Next Flyer Marketing Campaign

But Why Should You Opt For Flyers Over Social Media Or Other Forms Of Marketing? There are many reasons why flyers are still an effective form of marketing. First, many people still prefer to have something tangible that they can put on their tables or shelves and refer to at a later date when they’re ready. So, prospects can go through a flyer and save it if they find the information useful but don’t need the product at that moment. More importantly, getting the flyer in the hands of a prospect means that your message is responded to instantly. Whether or not the individual decides to read on and retrieve more information depends on how well the flyer is designed and printed. This is why it is important to ensure that the flyer is beautifully designed and the message is clearly visible. Second, it is easy to target your consumers and prospects with flyers. As a marketer, you need to identify your target market when designing a marketing campaign. So if you determine that flyers can be used to effectively reach and communicate to your market, you must have a plan to access your prospects in places that they frequent.

This hyper-targeting of your prospective customers is one of the reasons why distributing flyers is such an effective form of marketing. You can, for instance, reach your audience through:

  • In-store distribution
  • Street distribution
  • Door-to-door mail drop
  • A newspaper insert

Third, creatively designed posters are shareable. When a prospect places your flyer on a work desk or at home, it is likely to get noticed by other people (partners, colleagues, friends, family), meaning that a single flyer has the potential to deliver your message to an audience of more than one person. So, you should design your flyer so it stands out and easily conveys the main message. Many flyers tend to be in A5 or A4 size, and can be printed on both sides to provide as much information as you need to.

Finally, flyers give you the space to include incentives for your prospects in the form of vouchers and coupon codes. For instance, you can provide a discount for the first 10 people who use a certain coupon code to buy your product. This is a great way to increase interest in your product and get sales rolling. Interested in adding direct mail marketing to your advertising mix? Please call our Toronto mailing house at 1-866-486-0423. Troi spells success, one letter at a time!

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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