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6 Tips for Making Your Direct Mail Campaigns Successful

There’s no denying that technological advancements are propelling us forward in this digital era. Each of our environments — whether it be at school or work — has slowly shifted towards more paper-free options.

Direct mail campaign tips

A large portion of marketing is done through a number of different electronic platforms, including emails, texts, as well as social media sites. Despite some benefits, there are many disadvantages associated with paper-free advertising. This is why direct mail campaigns are often the most reliable and effective tools for marketing.

All forms of electronic communication are dependent on technology, as well as online security. People often look past promotional emails, unsubscribe from them, or simply consider them junk. Direct mail printing remains a key marketing tool for many companies and businesses and has proven its effectiveness through the changing times. Direct mail marketing adds a special touch, as it is tactile and less expected.

Direct mail advertising is an excellent way to reach your target audience. In order to ensure their success, they must be planned and executed appropriately. If appropriate planning has stumped you, there’s no need to worry. Troi Mailing Services can help outline 6 ways to help optimize your direct mail campaign and guarantee its success:

1. Make your brand memorable

In order for your brand to stand out from the rest, it must make a lasting impact on your consumers. The type of designs you create for your mailing campaign should be able to capture the attention of any potential customers. The best way to learn about what your customers are looking for is to conduct research and analyze how your competitors are advertising their brands.

Your mail campaign should be eye-catching and utilize the correct colour scheme based on the personality of your brand. The size of your direct mailer can range from invitation size to oversize and should be selected based on the type and depth of the message you intend to include.

The more interesting and eye-catching you create your mailer, the longer your potential customers will remain engaged in the content. Whether it’s a pop-up feature, different textures or inserts, make sure your mailer is created to help your brand leave a memorable and lasting impression.

2. Personalize your message

If your direct mail package or piece is received among others, you need something to make your mailer stand out from the rest. In order to accomplish this, you should personalize your direct mailer so that it connects well with your potential customers and allows them to view your brand as adept and consumer-friendly. Try to list all of the benefits you can offer your potential customers, rather than listing your services. This will help you connect with your readers and keep them engaged.

3. Target the right customers

Not everyone who receives your printed mailer will automatically respond to your product or service. In fact, only 3-6% of the recipients of your direct mail target will respond to it. To increase your response rate, you should segment your customers based on a number of different characteristics and then determine which type of consumer would most likely be interested in your brand.

This way, you can campaign directly to customers who would be most likely to respond to your mailed campaign. For example, if you have a business offering a wide variety of assistive devices for the elderly, then you would construct a mailing list that includes individuals above a certain age, such as 65. Remember, save your money by sending out your mailing campaigns wisely. You can even introduce multiple versions with different copy per segment.

In some cases, direct mail advertising will fail because people use more time and resources to design their mailers. In contrast, they spend insufficient time putting together the offer(s) for the campaign or the mailing list of individuals.

If the printed mailer isn’t able to reach the appropriate audience and offer them something worthwhile, then the time and effort spent on the direct mail design will be wasted. Don’t be afraid to offer an amazing deal to your potential customers, even if it does result in lower profit margins or loss of money, as the overall goal of mailing campaigns is to attract new business.

4. Quality control and revision is essential

It may not be intentional, but a simple typo can have a very negative impact on your mailing campaign, as well as your business as a whole. If there is an obvious typo or issue with formatting, these errors will most likely lead your mailing campaign straight into the trash.

This is why it’s essential to read over all of your written materials and create a sample mailer before printing hundreds or even thousands of copies. Complete a quality control check on your sample mailer to ensure that it’s void of grammatical errors and is simple enough for all your recipients to understand.

5. A good call to action is key

A direct mailing campaign is personal, and every receiver of your mailer will react to your campaign differently. Ultimately, the goal of any mailing plan is to re-invite old customers and attract new customers to what you have to offer.

In order to accomplish this, you will require an effective call to action, because, without any action, your mailing campaign will not fulfill its purpose.

Your call to action should be engaging and can vary depending on what you have to offer. Your call to action could be a sale or discount, a contest, incentives, or promotions. Regardless of the type of call to action you choose, make sure it is memorable and offers something that your recipients need.

6. Direct your readers to online resources

With the growing reliance on online sources of marketing, mailing campaigns are a great way to advertise and direct your recipients to some of your online resources such as websites and social media pages. This is a great way to help keep your customers connected with your business, so they can continue to learn about new offers, benefits, and promotions, even after the mailer has been discarded.

Direct mailing campaigns are a form of marketing that has passed the test of time and remains an effective method of reaching out to potential customers in this digital era. You can easily track the success of your direct marketing campaign by examining how your sales have improved and whether your printed coupons or codes were used, for example.

This information and the feedback from new customers you have created can be very valuable for any future mailing projects. Whether this is your first mailing campaign, or if you’ve been in business for a while, no mailing plan is successful without a reliable direct mail printer.

For more tips on how to make your direct mail advertising more successful, call Troi Mailing Services today at 1-866-486-9350 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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