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5 Creative Mail Advertising Ideas to Stand Out in the Mailbox

5 creative mail advertising ideas to stand out in the mailbox

Are you worried that no one is looking at your direct mail advertisements? Are your campaigns failing to generate the desired results? It sounds like your mailers may be failing to make a strong impact on recipients.

Consumers still receive multiple direct mail pieces every day, and it’s easy to get lost among other envelopes, postcards, and brochures. If you want your advertisements to be successful, you need to stand out in the mailbox. For many businesses, this is easier said than done.

Fortunately, there are a variety of strategies that you can use today to boost readership, increase brand awareness, and generate sales. In this article, we will cover five highly effective and creative mail advertising ideas.

1. Interactive mail

Interactive mail is a great way to get recipients to engage with your direct mail advertisement. These mail pieces interrupt the reader’s train of thought, encouraging action and stimulating their senses. Interesting features capture their attention for longer, which helps you stand out from the competition.

As a result, the recipient is also more likely to read your content, keep your mailer, and remember your brand when they need to make a purchase. Essentially, interactive mail is more impactful and memorable.

There are many different forms of interactive direct mail advertising. Some are industry-specific, while others can be used across sectors.

  • Giant stickers: These are great for utility companies. The sticker could contain an emergency shutdown checklist for a water heater, for example.
  • Ring sizer: This is a good option for jewellery companies.
  • Lumpy mail: In this case, you can fill the mailer with an object to make it bulge, like a tote bag or a small token.
  • Quiz: Include a few questions to help the reader determine if a product is right for them.
  • Scratch to win: Scratch-offs are a fun and easy way to get customers to engage. You can give your reader an opportunity to win a discount or prize.
  • Self-test: An example of this is an eyesight test to remind readers to book an eye examination.

2. Free samples

Everyone loves free samples. By sending readers a complimentary sample of your product, you generate and increase brand awareness. Additionally, you can use this tactic to create excitement and buzz around a new product launch. Recipients can also provide valuable feedback about the product.

A free sample makes your direct mailer stand out, while simultaneously providing real value to the recipients. They have an opportunity to try your product with no strings attached and without even leaving their homes. It also removes the price barrier because they don’t have to spend money to try something new.

Once recipients experience how fantastic your product is, they will want more. In very little time and for a low cost, you have created a new paying customer.

This is a highly effective direct marketing strategy used by a wide range of companies for decades. Perfume brands, home cleaning companies, and food purveyors all utilize free samples to win over new customers and introduce new products to their existing client base.

3. Redeemable freebies and offers

Instead of mailing free samples to your target audience, consider including redeemable freebies and offers in your direct mail advertisement. This is another great way to encourage recipients to open and keep your mailer, visit your store or website, and make a purchase.

Consumers appreciate coupons, deals, special offers, and other incentives. Direct mail advertising is the perfect delivery solution for these offerings. Ensure the mailer is easy to understand and the redeemable freebie is simple to use.

Here are a few examples of redeemable freebies and special offers that you can use in your next direct mail advertising campaign:

  • “Bring this coupon into our store for 20% off your purchase!”
  • “Show this coupon and receive a free tote bag when you visit our store!”
  • “Use this special code for free shipping at our e-store!”
  • “Enter this discount code for 10% off on our website!”

4. Unique formats

Most companies still use a standard-size mailer or envelope. You can stand out in the mail simply by doing something different. Try playing with size, colour, design, and material to create an eye-catching and unique mail advertisement. This will capture the attention of recipients and entice them to take a closer look at your mailer.

Unique formats make a statement. You can differentiate your mailer by using an odd-sized brochure, playful folds, an interestingly shaped postcard, or a special material with an intriguing texture. This strategy is highly effective at stopping recipients in their tracks.

If you’re unsure where to begin or how to craft a show-stopping mail advertisement, Troi Mailing Services can help. Our skilled design team works closely with you to create impactful direct mail pieces.

5. In-depth information

Most direct mail formats require brevity. You have to deliver your message succinctly and quickly using as little real estate as possible. After all, there just isn’t enough room on a postcard for long-winded descriptions. Using less text forces you to deliver your key messaging quickly before the recipient gets bored and moves on to the next thing.

However, there are some direct mail advertising formats that suit lengthier content. In fact, providing more information actually works in your favour in certain instances.

Regardless, your mail advertisement should bring value to the reader. You can do this by offering useful information, such as educating the reader on a topic that’s important to them (and relevant to your brand). Brochures are the perfect format for this.

You can dive into in-depth information with photos, illustrations, infographics, product guides, and more. The recipient is more likely to keep the brochure because of the information it contains. This helps to keep your brand top of mind and secure future sales.

Creative Mail Advertising With Troi Mailing Services

Direct mail is a powerful marketing tool when used correctly. You need to capture the reader’s attention quickly and encourage them to read your mailer. Otherwise, you’re destined for the recycling bin.

Interactive mail, free samples, redeemable offers, unique formats, and valuable information are five effective strategies. These tactics grab the recipient’s attention and differentiate your mailer from the competition.

Contact Troi Mailing Services for more ideas on how to stand out in the mailbox. Our mail design experts are available to recommend valuable strategies created for impact, engagement, and awareness.

To learn more about mail advertising, call Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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