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Why You Should Create Custom Envelopes

What is the need to create custom envelopes?

As we are propelled forward into the digital era, where email and instant messaging are considered normal and fast forms of communication, physical messages such as direct mail letters are becoming less frequent. Thereby, printed collateral and direct mail can also be considered rarer and special.

Sitting down to compose a letter, address and stamp the envelope, and posting it, is sometimes considered an outdated and traditional form of communication. However, the older the practise becomes, the more valuable and exciting it is for someone to receive.

This idea can be applied to advertisements which are mailed to potential customers. The first thing your customers usually see is the envelope, which is why it should have the ability to catch your customer’s attention and encourage them to open the envelope and further explore its contents.

One way to do this is to use personalized or custom-printed envelopes, which are very effective ways of creating a good first impression. Although custom envelopes come at an additional cost, they can be worthwhile if it helps your direct mail marketing stand out from the rest.

Ultimately, the goal of any direct mailed advertisement is to improve your sales or at least encourage customers to inquire about your product or service. The only way to do that is to open the envelope.

If you’re creating your direct mailing campaign and remain undecided about custom envelopes, we’re here to explain why including extra features can increase the success of your mailing campaign.

First Impressions are Lasting Impressions

First impressions are always important and have a major impact on how your customers respond to your direct mail marketing. Sending out a blank envelope contributes very little to the first impression you are trying to make and doesn’t offer your customers any information about your company.

Sending a blank envelope can be equated to a lack of eye contact, a weak handshake, or a dull introduction during a job interview. A blank envelope often fails to make a good first impression on your customers, unless you’re wanting to remain enigmatic to elicit intrigue. Without the good first impression of an enticing envelope, your customers may have less incentive to open it and inquire further.

Envelopes Can Be Informative

A custom-designed envelope is a great way to convey information quickly and simply. As your customers sort through the many different advertisements and letters they receive in the mail, they can quickly determine if an advertisement interests them and whether it’s worth keeping.

When you print your logo on the outside of your custom designed envelope, you are establishing relevance and informing your customers. Some customers may become frustrated if they are expected to open the envelope and read through a significant amount of text before understanding who you are and what you want to say.

To avoid this frustration, it’s always a good idea to include a sufficient amount of information on your custom-designed envelope to inform your recipients of what they can expect from the contents, so they delve further into your direct mail package. Your custom envelope design can say a lot about your business, so use your envelope to tell a story about your brand.

Custom Envelopes Can Build Trust

It may seem like an unusual idea to wrap your head around, but customized envelopes can be a great way to build trust with your customers by projecting a strong branding presence on your envelopes. Taking the time to design a creative and informative custom direct mail envelope is an excellent way to convey professionalism to your customers, placing your brand image in a positive light.

Custom Envelopes Effectively Catch Attention

Custom printed envelopes can come in a number of different styles and sizes and offer a lot of possibilities for creative and new designs that can effectively grab your customer’s attention. We can usually recognize the standard letter-carrying envelopes, which usually carry bills or statements.

Advertisements sent in these standard envelopes usually blend in with other types of mail and fail to catch potential customers’ attention. Custom envelopes allow room for creativity. By changing the shape, size, design, graphics, and colours of your envelope, you can create something unique and informative for your customers.

Use your direct mail envelope as a creative space and place your advertisement within an envelope that is new and refreshing for its viewers. It’s also important to remain consistent among all of your envelopes and between all of your other marketing tools.

To help promote uniformity among your brand, make sure your marketing tools utilize the same font type, colours, and logo. By maintaining consistency among your marketing tools, you will improve your brand image, and your regular customers will be able to identify your brand with ease.

Get a Greater Return on Your Investment

The ultimate goal of any advertisement campaign is to increase your sales and encourage your customers to follow through on your call to action. A creative and informative custom envelope design is a valuable way to improve the return on your investment.

A well-thought-out and carefully designed custom envelope can successfully motivate potential customers to learn more about the products, services or promotional offers that you are trying to convey. In situations where an envelope can capture the attention of customers, your call to action will be understood and more likely to be acted upon, ultimately increasing your company’s profit margins.

For content packaged within a blank envelope, no matter how tempting the offer inside may be, the chances of the advertisement being disposed of before being opened are significantly greater.

Alternatively, a well-designed and unique custom envelope is much more likely to be well-received, opened, and read. With the obvious benefit of a custom-designed envelope, the time and money spent towards creating it will certainly be worth the effort for your direct mail marketing.

At Troi Mailing Services, we know the difference a custom envelope can make to your advertisement campaign, and we are determined to help you achieve the customer response you are looking for. If you’ve got a mailing campaign in the pipeline, it’s important to plan and order your custom envelopes well in advance, as it can take about 2-3 weeks to produce.

To learn more about direct mail design, direct mail printing, and custom envelopes, please call Troi Mailing Services in the GTA at 1-866-486-9350 or contact us here.

About: Seamus Barton
Seamus Barton - Author
Seamus Barton joined Troi Mailing Services in 2014 after graduating from York University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Professional Writing. As a manager of print and direct mail solutions, he sees how words play an important role in personalizing any experience. Seamus’ passion for writing motivates him to provide frequent direct marketing content that supports each Client’s individual needs. Please chat with Seamus about commercial printing and direct mailing campaigns, or about how to marry digital and physical strategies for optimal Smartmail Marketing success.

You can connect with Seamus on LinkedIn or by calling Troi Mailing Services at 1-866-486-0423 or via email at Read his latest article featured in Direct Marketing Magazine on “Dimensional Mail: Marketing’s Buffet Lobster

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